Monday, August 04, 2008

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

SPOILER ALERT - I will be talking about things in the book so if you don't want to know then DON'T READ!!

Alright. I admit it. I bought it at 9:00 Am on Sat. and read it all in a day. No midnight parties for me but I could hardly wait! Would Bella be turned? What would become of Jacob? What would the plot line be? I was antsy with anticipation! While waiting in the checkout line I read the inside cover and it had my heart a pitterin'! I don't know what it is about these Twilight books - they are not the most well-written books I've ever read or the most exciting but they do make me feel like a teenager again. Anyway - that's how I felt at the checkout line. I've been reading a lot of reviews of this book and most people HATED it. It didn't have quite the same effect on me as the other books but I enjoyed reading it and was entertained. There were definitely things I liked and things that drove me crazy!!

Before I go into my list of "things" I have to brag that I totally called her conclusion of the Bella-Edward-Jacob triangle. After I finished reading Eclipse last year I was running through all the different possible scenarios. I wanted Bella with Edward together (for the most part) but I love Jacob and wanted him happy. So, what would S.M. do?? I called my sister and told her I had it figured out! Edward and Bella would get married and she would get pregnant before he turned her and she'd have a little girl that Jacob would imprint on and then they would all be together and everything would be great! I didn't have any theories about the baby (vampire or human) but I am feeling pretty proud that I guessed that! I got over it pretty fast and started hoping that they'd find a way for vampires to be turned back to human - but that's not how it went and I'm glad. The main thing I was worried about was Bella being a psycho newborn and going on a killing rampage! I'm glad that the author decided to make her immune to the whole newborn thing.

Things I liked:
*The wedding. I was in tears. Maybe it's because I'm pregnant and hormonal but I had tears spill over a few times at the beginning!
*The honeymoon was pretty fun!
* I didn't have a problem with Edward and Bella's relationship except that it seemed like we didn't get quite as much romance. Not as much lovey dovey talk.
* I liked the ending - I mean the VERY END. I liked that Bella had a way to let him in her head and that he was so excited about it. =)
* I like that Charlie was still allowed to be in the picture.

Didn't like:
* Rosalie and the baby thing drove me crazy. I thought she would kidnap the baby or something.
* The baby thing in general bothered me. I think it's great that she was able to get pregnant but it wasn't a positive thing in the book so it wasn't any fun. I wasn't sure how I felt about it - on one hand I was with Edward and Carlisle and thought that they should get it out of her because who knows if the baby would be a crazy, blood thirsty, little demon. I thought it was weird that she would only take blood but supposedly Half human/vampire children can live on human food as well. It was just weird that Bella was starving. And that there wasn't any tender mother/daughter moments (at the beginning) and daddy/daughter moments (ever!). Oh well.
*I do like that Edward had to make her a vampire out of necessity rather than just doing it. That part of the book wasn't my favorite. Maybe it was because it was from Jacob's perspective so I felt like I was just looking through a window and didn't know Bella's real feelings as the whole thing went on.
* The nickname Jazz for Jasper?? Where did that come from?? If she was going to do that it should have been done in one of the first books.
* The name Reneseme was just NOT cute. And I thought that the baby was kind of weird. I'm glad she was sweet but I just thought it was a little freaky.
* I don't feel like things got wrapped up for Leah. I'm not sure why S.M. made her a more prominent character and made us feel for her and then didn't give her a happy ending - after all it seems like that was her goal - to tie everything up in a perfect, little bow for us.
* And that leads me to my final complaint. The ending with the Volturri. I wanted some action and got NONE. I read to the end anticipating the exciting part and then it just ended. SO anti-climatic for me! If they had fought I guess the ending wouldn't have been quite so "happy". Realistically, somebody in Bella and Edward's family would have been killed and we couldn't have that! But still. I would have liked a little action. =) Besides sex. We got plenty of that. And I'm not complaining! =)

I'm finishing up a trilogy this week so I should have another review soon!!


A Farmer's Wife said...

I found your blog through my cousin, Kesseli's blog. I love to read and I live in the absolute middle of no where! I didn't know anything about Stephenie Meyer. I ordered Twilight from and I didn't read your review of this one (thank you for the spoiler alert). I really like your reading site! I also really appreciate your book list. I have always wondered about East of Eden and am now inspired to read it! Thank you so much for the work you put into this site! It is inspiring and wonderful!

Shailee Shah said...

Exactly! More Action! Actually, ANY action!