Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

I was 1/3 of the way through this book when I decided not to finish it. I loved the story but they used the "F" word SO much - it seemed like EVERY page had it at least once. So - I went to Wikepedia to find out what happens at the end and that worked for me. I'm probably just a NUT - everyone I talked to about this book said that they ADORED it. I can see the appeal but I wouldn't recommend it if language and sex bother you. The end. =)


The Frosts said...

I thought this book was really overrated. The language and sex did bother me a lot. It is brilliant that you just looked up the ending. It was pretty depressing. Way to go giving an honest review :)

{B}dreamy said...

I don't think you're a nut. I stopped reading the Harry Potter series because I came across a bad word. Who's the nut now?! Haha!

Liz said...

I finished this book but felt guilty about the language and sex the whole way through. I was totally fascinated by how their lives worked and what happened to him. I love your idea of looking it up though-it would've saved me a lot of guilt!